Guidance that Jerry Milner with the Children’s Bureau sent to states about timeframes regarding child welfare case plans, court hearings, etc. during the COVID-19 crisis. Here is a link, and I have attached a copy:
In particular, the letter includes the following information:
In order to practice in a manner consistent with constitutional principles and to serve the best interests of children, CB urges all attorneys, courts, CIPs and administrative offices of the court to: 
  • Refrain from making sweeping, blanket orders ceasing, suspending, or postponing court hearings; 
  • Ensure that important decisions about when and how hearings are conducted are made on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the facts of each individual matter; 
  • Encourage attorneys to file written motions raising issues of immediate concern; 
  • Make maximum use of technology to ensure due process where in-person hearings are not possible or appropriate; 
  • Ensure parents and youth have access to technology such as cell phones, tablets, or computers with internet access to participate in hearings or reviews and maintain important familial connections; 
  • Consider utilizing CIP funds to support and enhance virtual participation for parents, children, youth, and their attorneys in hearings and reviews; and 
  • Encourage attorneys to resolve agreed-upon issues via stipulated orders. For example, if all parties agreed that a child in foster care can be reunified with his/her family immediately, that issue should be resolved via a stipulated order, rather than waiting weeks or months for an in-person court hearing. 

Click to download full letter


RESOURCE: Guidance Children’s Bureau sent to states about timeframes regarding child welfare case plans, court hearings, etc. during the COVID-19 crisis